Ecolab associates in volunteer t-shirts conducting a small experiment on a tabletop.

Community Impact

Partnerships to Improve Our Communities

Ecolab supports programs and initiatives that protect people and nature in the communities in which we live and work, aligning with Ecolab's Environmental Justice position. Through corporate giving and grants from the Ecolab Foundation, product donations and employee volunteerism, Ecolab is advancing its goals to support vital ecosystems and enable communities around the world to thrive.

Ecolab Foundation Giving

The Ecolab Foundation has contributed more than $145 million to nonprofit organizations since its inception in 1980.

2022 Impact

$83 million
to global communities on behalf of Ecolab, the Ecolab Foundation, and its employees

$5 million of this total was granted
to organizations that provided supported education, basic needs and job training 

76% of grants aligned to our 2030 Impact Goals
with focused support for organizations advancing social and racial equity

Impact areas include:

  • Youth and Education
  • Civic and Community Development
  • Arts and Culture
  • Environment and Conservation

How to Apply for a Grant

To qualify for a community grant from the Ecolab Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization must fall within one of our four strategic areas and deliver services in the St. Paul, MN area where our corporate office is located, or in one of Ecolab U.S. regional communities where we have larger operations.

To find out more about program guidelines, please click on the appropriate "Instructions and Guidelines" link below.


  • St. Paul, MN Area grant application process for 2023 is now closed. Funding decisions will be emailed by the end of March. The next funding cycle for 2024 opens Sept. 1, 2023, and is invite only at this time.
  • Other U.S. Locations grant application will open the end of May 2023.
2019 Corporate Sustainability Report

Product Donations

As the world’s leading supplier of cleaning and sanitizing products and solutions, Ecolab donates cleaning, health and sanitizing products in response to natural disasters and other needs, including the ongoing fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

In 2022, Ecolab donated $72.7 million in products to worldwide relief efforts. 

Solutions for Life Logo

Funded through the Ecolab Foundation, Solutions for Life enhances our mission to conserve water and improve hygiene around the world through collaborations with NGOs, global philanthropy and employee volunteerism. Through Solutions for Life, Ecolab has supported the work of several global nonprofit partners, including The Nature Conservancy, and the Project WET Foundation.



Ecolab continues to support The Nature Conservancy (TNC) to help secure and restore water sources around the globe.

  • Ecolab supported TNC’s Our Water campaign helping TNC raise $21 million in private funds and $104 million in public funds. In addition, a gift from the Ecolab Foundation helped launch this campaign and a project to protect the Headwaters of the Mississippi River.

The gift has helped:

  • Protect more than 50,000 acres and 100 miles of shoreline in this watershed
  • Restore wetlands and floodplains that treat thousands of acres in tributary rivers that flow into the Mississippi River
  • Provide general operating support to TNC in Minnesota for conservation and restoration of watersheds, forests, and prairies
  • In Brazil, a grant from the Ecolab Foundation is also helping protect 200 hectares of forest over the next ten years in the headwaters of the Upper Tietê Basin in Sao Paulo 
  • See an example of how we partnered with the Nature Conservancy at our Garyville, Louisiana facility.
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Ecolab continues its partnership with to enable access to sustainable drinking water and improved sanitation for 100,000 people living in poverty in India, while contributing more than 26 million gallons of water per year to watershed health in extremely high-stress river basins.

Our partnership with is an example of how we are taking action to help build community and economic resilience and equitable access to freshwater. These efforts are in alignment with our commitment to United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 6, which calls for access to water and sanitation for all by 2030, as part of our 2030 Impact Goals.

water, people, nalco water

Through our partnership with the Project WET Foundation (Water Education Today), children from around the globe can learn about water conservation and hygiene through The Clean and Conserve Education Program.

  • Since its launch, this free curriculum (available in six languages) has reached more than 8 million individuals in 98 countries.
  • In addition, Ecolab sponsors Project WET’s, an interactive website that hosts activities (available in English, Spanish and Mandarin) about the role of water in our lives.
    • The website had 142,000 unique users in 2022

In 2021, Ecolab helped fund a landmark water conservation project with the Colorado River Indian Tribes (CRIT) and the state of Arizona, one of the largest multi-sector collaborative drought response efforts ever achieved. Facilitated by Business for Water Stewardship, a program of the Bonneville Environmental Foundation, funding support helps secure 150,000 acre-feet of conservation (nearly 49 billion gallons of water) to help shore up Lake Mead through the CRIT system conservation project.

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